ANOVA Calculator

How to Use ANOVA Calculator?

To use an ANOVA calculator, follow the below steps:

  • Click “Add Group” to input data for multiple groups if necessary.
  • Enter your data into the provided fields, separating each data point with a comma.
  • Press “Calculate” to compute the ANOVA.
  • To start again, click the "Reset" button.

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Anova Calculator

The ANOVA test Calculator is used to calculate statistical analysis on multiple data sets to determine if there are any statistically significant differences between the means of three or more independent groups.

What is ANOVA?

ANOVA stands for Analysis of Variance. It is a statistical method used to compare means among multiple groups to determine if they have statistically significant differences. It evaluates whether the differences between the group means are greater than the differences within each group.

The basic concept of ANOVA is to divide the total variance observed in the data into two categories: 

  • Variance within groups

  • Variance between groups

When the variance between groups is greater than within groups, it indicates real differences among the groups being analyzed.

ANOVA Formula

The ANOVA formula is systematically organized in the table. This ANOVA table can be utilized as follows:

Source of Variation

Sum of Squares

Degrees of Freedom

Mean Squares

F Value

Within Groups

SSW = Σ (ni - 1) Si2

dfw = k-1

MSW = SSW/ dfw


Between Groups

SSB=Σ ni (x̄i − x̄)2

df1 = k - 1

MSB = SSB / (k - 1)



SSE = (X - x̄i)

df2 = N - k

MSE = SSE / (N - k)




df3 = N - 1



Let's redefine the variables:

  • F: The ANOVA coefficient (F-statistics)

  • MSB: Mean sum of squares between groups

  • MSW: Mean sum of squares within groups

  • MSE: Mean sum of squares due to error

  • SST: Total sum of squares

  • p: Number of populations

  • n: Number of samples in each population

  • SSW: Sum of squares within groups

  • SSB: Sum of squares between groups

  • SSE: Sum of squares due to error

  • s: Standard deviation of samples

  • N: Total number of observations

Types of ANOVA Test

The ANOVA test has three basic types, which are discussed below:

  • One-Way ANOVA Test 

This test is used when comparing the means of three or more groups based on one factor. This test is straightforward and useful in understanding the impact of a single independent variable on a dependent variable.

  • Two-Way ANOVA 

This can be used when examining the effect of two factors on the dependent variable.

  • Repeated Measures ANOVA:

It is used when the same subjects are tested under different conditions or over different time points.

How to Calculate ANOVA?

This section will demonstrate the calculation of a one-way ANOVA test with the help of an example:


A researcher wants to compare the effectiveness of three diets on weight loss. The weights (in pounds) lost by participants after following the diets for a month are recorded as follows:

Diet ADiet BDiet CStandard Deviation
8610Diet A = 1.5811
12715Diet B = 1.1402
10512Diet C = 1.9235

Make a one-way ANOVA table for the data and compute the SSB, SSW, MSB, MSW, and F-statistic using the defining formulas.


  • Calculate the mean weight loss for each diet:

XA = 8+12+10+9+11/ 5 = 10

XB = 6+7+5+4+6/ 5=5.6

Xc = 10+15+12+11+13/ 5=12.2

  • Calculate the total mean

x̄total = (8+12+10+9+11) +(6+7+5+4+6) + (10+15+12+11+13) / 15 ​=139/15 = 9.27

  • Calculate SSB using the formula

SSB ​= 5× (10 − 9.267)2 +5× (5.6 − 9.267)2 +5× (12.2 − 9.267)2 


  • Compute the sum of Squares

​SSW​= (5−1) × (1.5811)2 +(5−1) × (1.1402)2 +(5−1) × (1.9235)2 


  • Now calculate the SST


SST = 29.999 + 112.933

SST = 142.932

  • Let’s calculate the MSB

MSB​=29.999/ 3−1​

MSB​=29.999/ 2

MSB = 56.467

  • Calculate MSW

MSW​= SSW / ​​/ N−K

MSW​=56.467/ 15−3

​MSW​= 56.467/ 12

MSW​= 2.5

  • In the end, compute the F-statistics


F = 56.467 / 2.5

F = 22.587

Make a Decision

  • If the F-statistic is greater than the critical value is less than α then reject the null hypothesis, indicating a significant difference among the group means.

  • If not, fail to reject the null hypothesis, indicating no significant difference among the group means.

Using an ANOVA Calculator can greatly simplify the process by efficiently calculating the variance between and within groups, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in your statistical analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to calculate F statistics from the ANOVA table?

In an ANOVA table, the F-statistic is calculated by dividing the mean sum of squares (MSB) by the error mean sum of squares (MSE).


2. What is a small sample size for ANOVA?

The minimum sample size (n) for ANOVA depends on the number of groups in the data. For example, if you have 2–9 groups, the sample size for each group should be at least 15.

3. What are the four assumptions of ANOVA?

The four assumptions of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) are:

  • Interval data: The dependent data must be measured at an interval scale.
  • Normality: The population distribution must be normal.
  • Homogeneity of variance: The variance among the groups should be approximately equal.
  • Independence: The observations should be independent of each other.

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