Expected Value Calculator

How to Use Our Expected Value Calculator?


Below are the steps to calculate the expected value with the help of our expectation calculator:

  • Enter all possible outcome values of X in the provided box.
  • Put the corresponding probabilities of each outcome P(x) in the box below.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to find the expected value.
  • To add more inputs, click the “Reset“ button.

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Expected Value Calculator

An Expected Value Calculator is an online tool that helps to calculate the expected value of a random variable using various potential outcomes and their corresponding probabilities.

What is the Expected Value?

The expected value is often denoted as 𝐸(𝑋). It represents the average outcome of a random variable when an experiment is repeated many times. Essentially, the expected value is the long-run average value of repetitions of the experiment it represents.

Formula to Calculate Expected Value

To calculate the expected value, multiply each possible outcome by its probability and then sum up all these products. The formula for the expected value is:

E(X) = μx = x1P(x1) + x2P(x2) + ... + xn P(xn)

  • E(X) represents the expected value of the random variable X.

  • μx denotes the mean of X.

  • stands for the summation symbol.

  • P(xi) indicates the probability of the outcome xi.

  • xi is the ith possible outcome of the random variable X.

  • n is the total number of possible outcomes.

  • I represents a possible outcome of the random variable X.

How to Find Expected Value?

This section will demonstrate how to calculate expectation value by solving examples.


Calculate the expected value for the following probability distribution using the expected value formula.

  • X: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

  • P(X): 0.10, 0.25, 0.30, 0.20, 0.15


By using the expected value formula:



x × P(x)
















∑xi 10.00

∑ P(xi)1.00

∑xi × P(xi)2.05


In a game, you flip a coin. If it lands on heads, you win $3, if it lands on tails, you lose $2. What is the expected value of this game?


To find the expected value (EV), we use the formula:

EV=∑ (Outcome ×Probability)

Outcomes and Probabilities:

  • Heads: Win $3 (Outcome = +3) $, Probability =0.5= 0.5=0.5

  • Tails: Lose $2 (Outcome = -2) $, Probability =0.5= 0.5=0.5


EV = (3×0.5) + (−2×0.5)

EV = 1.5+(−1)

EV = 0.5

The expected value of this game is $0.50. This means, on average, you can expect to gain $0.50 per coin flip over the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How do you find the expected value in a chi-square?

In a chi-square test, you can calculate the expected value for a cell by using the formula:

Expected Value = (Row Total * Column Total) / Grand Total

If you're not already well-versed in the chi-square test, check out our Chi-square calculator first.

2. How to Calculate the Expected Value?

To find the expected value, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Multiply each possible outcome by its probability of occurring.
  2. Add all the products from Step 1.
  3. The result is the expected value.

3. Can the expected value be negative?

Yes. The expectation value of an operator can be positive, negative, or even complex. The variance will be positive definite. But the expectation value can be any number.


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